Prabowo Subianto: This Election Is Not A Means Of Hostility But This Is An Event To Compete With Ideas And Kindness

Topik Digital. Sudirman Said Director of the National Appeals Agency Debate Material gave a very unequal portion of the incumbent's camp, namely the vice president at the first Pilpers debate that had been held at Hotel Bidakar, South Jakarta.
Sudirman Said greatly compared the appearance of the incumbent who accompanied the incumbent during the initial debate during the 2014 2014 Presidential Candidates Debate

"In 2014, the role of Pak JK was visible. "The position of sharing a role is balanced, so this also describes the role of Mr. JK when he has ruled," said Sudirman
Sudirman, the former Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, considered the incumbent very impressed as "One Man Show" while side by side with Ma'aruf and very much different

"In fact, this big country is not enough to only be managed by one Superman. In our camp it is clear, Prabowo-Sandi is like a Dwi Tunggal, "said Sudirman.

Sudirman said, in the debate the Prabowo-Sandiaga pair would try to display the very best, especially those concerned with data. This was done to ensure that the data brought during the debate did not cause controversy in the community.

"This strategic level debate cannot be perfect in matters of data and detail, because the president works with all devices. But we try to be better, so we don't convey facts that lead to controversy, "said Sudirman
The initial debate of the presidential candidate has been held with the theme of law, human rights, corruption and terrorism. Lasting for 90 minutes, Sawala is divided into six segments that explore the vision and mission of the two potential partners.

On that occasion, Sudirman also praised Prabowo-Sandi's appearance, which seemed more relaxed and in context compared to the performance of his debating opponents.

"The body language indicated by Prabowo and Sandi is very original and not made up. And we believe that voters who have not made their choice will choose Prabowo-Sandi, "he said

Prabowo did not want to attack the opponent because according to this he was not looking for an enemy but collided with ideas and patterns of thought to know which person is smart or not and a presidential candidate is not very appropriate if he defeats an opponent and must be a professional karen very professional and responsibility


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